Calling all local businesses! Need expert-led training on marketing, finance, and strategy? Check out the Regional Business Support Network’s Training Calendar – updated regularly with valuable webinars and learning opportunities!
The Regional Business Support Network is your gateway to success in the region. Created in partnership with Community Futures Central Alberta, Town of Olds and Invest Olds. Our collaborative network is dedicated to empowering entrepreneurs and supporting established businesses. From strategic guidance to practical resources, we’re here to help you thrive. Explore our comprehensive services and unlock the potential of your business today.
What does the training calendar offer?
- Always up-to-date training calendar – we handle the updates, ensuring your community has ongoing access to expert-led business webinars on finance, marketing, strategy, and more.
- Biz Bite Library – a growing collection of short, expert-led videos produce by RBSN that answer common FAQs from entrepreneurs looking to start or grow their business in your town.
- No cost to you – instant access to high-quality business support resources without needing to create or maintain them yourself.
Check out the calendar today!