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Let’s Work Together For Your Clients' Success

Partnering With Community Futures Grows A Prosperous Small Business Community

We know that it can be frustrating when an enthusiastic entrepreneur comes in, has a great business idea, however, the business can't get the funding they need to get started.

When a financial institution’s business lending policies don't allow for a prospective client to receive a lending product, we want to partner with you to ensure their success and help bridge that gap. 

We do so by:

Helping them build a solid business plan by planning for the best case, average and worst case scenarios

Creating a marketing plan or expansion strategy

Providing one-on-one coaching, business consulting and mentoring

Securing financing

Partnering with us helps create community growth, jobs and economic diversification in the Central Alberta region.


Who Do We Partner With?

Banks / Financial Institutions

We bridge the financing gap and help your client launch or stabilize their business. Our primary goal is to make them more bankable, so that they can continue their journey with you.

Chambers Of Commerce & Rotary Clubs

Let’s collaborate together to host presentations, information sessions and to advance the training and skills of our business community.

Municipalities & Economic Development Committees

We’d love to work closer with you to develop a more prosperous business community and a stronger diversified economy.

Find out more about how we can partner with you.

Community Partners  

  • Alberta Chamber of Commerce - As the advocate for Alberta business, the Alberta Chambers of Commerce is your local resource for small business
  • Alberta Innovates - Working to diversify Alberta’s economy, improve environmental performance and enhance the well-being of Albertans through research and innovation
  • BDC - The only financial institution devoted exclusively to entrepreneurs
  • Business Link - Alberta's entrepreneurial hub 
  • Business Works Central Alberta Self Employment Program - Helping self-employed entrepreneurs though a Government sponsored program that is free to clients
  • Central Alberta Regional Innovation Network (CARIN) - Driving growth of the innovation ecosystem in Central Alberta by providing support to technology and knowledge-based companies
  • Central Alberta Economic Partnership (CAEP) - Central Alberta’s economic development hub
  • Central Alberta Access Prosperity - A not-for-profit economic development organization focused on promoting economic growth in the Central Alberta region
  • Futurpreneur - Futurpreneur Canada provides financing, mentoring and support tools to aspiring business owners aged 18-39
  • Government of Alberta - Energy, agriculture, forestry, culture and other key sectors, and supports for business, trade and economic development.
  • Junior Achievement (JA) Southern Alberta - Junior Achievement is the link between education and the business world, giving youth the confidence and knowledge they need to define personal success, enhance their workforce readiness and pursue their dreams and aspirations.

  • Olds College - Everything we do at Olds College is done to advance all aspects of the agriculture industry. By transforming the agriculture industry, we will make the world a better place. All of our programs and actions align to our social purpose. It is the why behind everything we do

  • Prairies Economic Development Canada - Prairies Economic Development Canada (PrairiesCan) is the department that diversifies the economy across the Canadian Prairies. PrairiesCan leads in building a strong, competitive Canadian economy by supporting business, innovation and community economic development unique to Alberta, Saskatchewan and Manitoba.
  • Rotary Clubs - Rotary is a global network of 1.4 million neighbors, friends, leaders, and problem-solvers who see a world where people unite and take action to create lasting change – across the globe, in our communities, and in ourselves. 

I’d Love To Partner With Community Futures, What’s Next?

Partnering with us is easy. Simply reach out to us and we can provide you with tools to better serve your clients or members.

Community Futures Partners FAQs

We are a community-based developmental lender. Your business plan and loan applications are reviewed by experts in small business who understand our unique business climate. We will work with you to ensure your plan is sound, and we can apply flexible terms to meet your business needs. Our goals revolve around helping businesses succeed, not increasing shareholder profit.

Contact Us

5013 49 Avenue
Red Deer, AB  T4N 3X1
P: 403-342-2055

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Communities Served

Alhambra, Bearberry, Benalto, Bergen, Betula, Bowden, Burnstick Lake, Campaign, Caroline, Carstairs, Cline River, Condor, Cremona, Crump, Dickson, Didsbury, Doan, Eckville, Elkton, Harmattan, Innisfail, James River Bridge, Leslieville, Markerville, Nordegg, Olds, Penhold, Pine Lake, Red Deer, Rocky Mountain House, Shawtz, Spruce View, Stauffer, Sundre, Sylvan Lake, Water Valley, Wessex, and Westward Ho.